Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mt. Rose

In many ways this has nothing to do with real estate and everything to do with real estate. After many, many years of looking up at Mt. Rose, all 10,770 feet and being too busy to take the hike to the top this week I finally hiked to the top of the mountain.

If I had known just how hard the last 2 miles and 2,200 feet was going to be maybe I would of been a bit less enthusiastic and put it off for another year. As I started my climb and crossed ice at the edge of the creeks I knew that the morning was going to be interesting. By the time I got to the summit it was very cold and windy but the view of Reno, Tahoe, Truckee, Donner lake and out across eastern Nevada were just stunning. I still hurt today but I look forward to another summit!

Even though I was really exhausted by the time I got back to my car the feeling of success was just terrific. Going back to work the next day was a pleasure and I have to admit this has been a great week.

OK, back to real estate news next time.

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