Friday, June 1, 2007

Return from Mexico

Well we are back from Mexico, actually, we got back early in the week but I am just getting time to write now. Being a guest at a wedding in Mexico turned out to be a wonderful experience and my family and myself just had a super time.

We did not know if we would be going up to 72 hours before departure due to the fact that my wife's passport had not arrived after waiting 3 months for it to be returned. We called our Senator for some last minute help and Senators Reids office was just wonderful (Ensigns office turned us down cold) the passport did show up and we made the trip and we will remember this and are very appreciative of the support (or lack there of?). Note: get your passport, you are going to be needing them. My wife's did not expire until August but the new rules say that it must be good for 90 days beyond the return date of the trip.

Great food, terrific weather and one day of superb sightseeing added to a delightful wedding experience. My best to the new bride and groom. We have never stayed at an all inclusive resort before and this property was billed as a "gourmet" experience. Yeah, right, long buffets is what I expected. Was I wrong. Great rooms, 4 different and outstanding restaurants with great innovative food preparations. For foodies it was nice. The staff was great and of course for those that are worried about Mexico you really did not know you were even in another country (that is always a disappointment for me when the soul of the country is removed from the experience, but that is another story).

Oh, and our return flight! I must admit that we do not fly commercial all that much any more. First, work consumes more time than I would like to admit and second for 3/4 of the year we can use our own plane for much of our travel. We have heard much about travel today and we ended up with the full experience. What a mess. US Airways covers what appears to be much of the world but getting there may not be worth it. All flights were late but at least we got to Mexico in one day. Other parties getting to the wedding experienced delays much worse and the grooms parents had the flight from hell, 2.5 days to get to the wedding and they missed their own reception dinner.

The return flight was really fun, before we took off we knew that we had already missed our connection to Reno, and most other passengers also had missed their connections as well. I must say the airline was really prepared with the overnight hotel vouchers, they appeared to be really experienced in handing them out. So a long day in getting back to the US and again up at 4 am to make our new flight and guess what, it was late as well but we did make it back to Reno! In retrospect the flight back in our plane is 2,400 miles (about 650 miles longer due to our going around the gulf). I could of flown this myself, had a nice planned overnight stay and a nice dinner and been home only 5 hours later than the airline delivered me. They travel at 500 knots per hour (about 575 mph) and I fly at only 175 knots (200 miles per hour) and that is crazy!

Well back to work. Our marketing efforts are paying off and I had 5 offers to work on when I stepped back into the real world (sorry, not all 5 came together but 2 have so far). More later.


Sara-NV said...

We are about to put our home on the market and are wondering what is the most important thing to do to make it marketable? We are concerned with the neighbors having financial issues and getting out of the neighborhood before some of the go into foreclosure.

The David Morris Group said...

Pricing today is critical but in the new "value" driven market that we are now back to and will be in for a very long time you need to be sure that your home shouts "vlaue" to the buyers. Start with your curb appeal, is your home equal to or better than the other homes on the street? Have you packed up, clean up, opened up your home so buyers can see themselves in the home? Do not make the buyer see though your lifestyle to see the value in your home. Be sure the counters, baths, bedrooms are all picked up and very open. Spend a few hundred dollars on paint if need and spiff up the interior. Check out your hardware on the doors and handles on the sinks to be sure they are not overly worn. Many, many sellers when they go to sell set a price (over priced) and then refuse to spend a reasonable amount of money to spruce the home up and increase the homes sense of value and this is a shame.